Thursday, November 26, 2009
What does May tell ?
1945 may 9- 2nd world war ended
1857 May 10—First independence movement started
1981 may 10—Mitherang came to power in collision with Communist party
1948 May 13—Moyyarath sankaran became a martyr
1981-May 14—Vishnu Bharatheeyan died
- May 15 -- Vanguard of Indian independence- the first Mukhapathram of Indian Communist Party
1923 May 18—Peshawar conspiracy case
1950 May 19—Choyi was shot dead
1985-May 19—P.Sundarayya died
1498 May 20—Vasco-de-gama landed at Kozhicode
1506 May 20—Columbus died
1943 May 23—First party congress of Indian Communist party. –Bombay-may-28-June 1
1983-May 23 – M.R.Venkat Raman died
1543—Copper Niccus
Days and Important events left leaned
Agitation for distribution of surplus land to landless began
1919 Jan.2
2 lakhs labourers of India had gone on strike for the first time
1978 Jan 5
First left front ministry came to power in Tripura
1919 Jan 5-12
General strike of Berlin labourers and clash with Government troupe .
1884 Jan 6
George Mendel died
1918 Jan 6
George Canter died
1976 Jan 8
Chow en Lai died
1973 Jan 10
K P G Namboodiri died
1946 Jan 11
Republic day of Albania
1809 Jan 11
Kundara declaration
1966 Jan 11
Lal Bahadur Sastry died
1982 Jan 12
Jyothirmayi basu died
1962 Jan 13
Ajayaghosh died
1981 jan 13
K.P.joseph died
1919 Jan 15
Karl Libnekth and Rosa Luksemburg were killed at Germany
1936 Jan 15
All India Kissan sabha was established
1955 jan 15
T. K.Madhavan became a martyr
Jan 17
Polish republic day
1924 Jan 17
Kumaranasan died
1945 Jan 20
Hungary freed from Nazis
1924 Jan 21
Lenin died
1966 Jan 24
Homi Jahangir Bhabbha died.
1980 Jan 25
Nayanar ministry sworn in
1982 Jan 25-- Major Jaipl singh died.
1950 Jan 26- Indian Republic Day
1950- Sardar Gopalakrishnan became a martyr
1982 Jan 26-31- 11th party congress of CPM
1948 Jan 30—Gandhiji was killed
1649 Jan 30—Killing of Charles I in England.
1865 Jan 31 – Slavery abolished in USA
1960 Feb 2 - Neelimangalam Damodaran became a Martyr
1978 Feb 2 - G.Sankara Kurup died
1970 Feb 2 – Bertrand Russell died
1943 Feb 3 - Stalingrad victory of Soviet army
1927 Feb 8 – Workers and Peasants Party was formed at Bombay
1564 Feb 8 - Michelangelo died
1837 Feb 10 – Pushkin assassinated
1950 Feb 11- Shooting at Selam Jail- 20 comrades died
1650 Feb 11 – René de kart died
1961 Feb 12 – Patris Lumumba was assassinated
1934 Feb 12 - Armed riot of laborers at Vienna
1936 Feb 16 – People’s front won the parliament election in Spain.
1600 Feb 17—Bruno was burned by the religious heads
1985 Feb 17--- N. Sreedharan died
1946 feb 19 -- Bombay Navy Riot
1918 Feb 23—Soviet Red Army day
1848 Feb 24-- 2nd French Republic
!969 Feb 25 -- 2nd Joint front ministry came to power at west Bengal
1931 Feb 27 – Chandrasekhar Azad died in an encounter
1933 feb 27 – Nazis fired Raikh Sthag
1948 Feb 28- 2nd congress of Communist party at Culcutta
1967 March 1- First joint front came to power at west Bengal
1919 March 2- 1st congress of Communist International
1980- March 4- Zimbabwe become independent . Left leader Robert Mugabae’s Zimbabwe African National Union Political Front won the election.
1953 March 5—Death of Stalin
1967 March 6—The United front came to power in Kerala
1917 March 8- International Women’s day
1933 March 8- Germany’s Communist leader Ernest Ethel man was arrested
1934 March 10- Communist party’s Calcutta committee , Bengal Committee of Workers party and six trade unions were banned
1980 March 10- National Democratic Mahila Association formed.
1926 March 12- Sun yat sen died
1948 March 12 – A.G.Velayudhan became a martyr in Paliyam strike
1883 March 14- Karl Marx died
1962 March 14 – Goa liberated
1970 March 16 – 2nd United front ministry in West Bengal was expelled
1848 March 18 – Communist Manifesto
1841 March 18- Berlin revolution
1871 March 18- Paris Commune
1929 March 20 – Meerut case- Nation wide arrest
1727 March 20- Isaac Newton died
Diary of an young man
January 1- Wednesday
Personally, I feel the new year is auspicious. Doubt it will be positive in the International and local front.
January 2- Thurs day
May be Matsyafed will become the shelter for the future. Waiting for the post of Fisheries Officer in Matsyafed
Jan 3 -Friday
Lake shore is covered with mist. Nature stands as a bride . Men are collecting mud from the lake. A small tea shop .A devotional song on Lord Ayyappa on air from the tape recorder . An old boatman sitting on the ferry boat. His toes are not complete.
Jan.4 Saturday
Love towards the mammals may be a hereditary character. Killing and eating the innocent cattle and rabbit is painful though eat mutton occasionally. But chicken ?
Today got some live fishes. Put them in water. Then out of water and again in water to feel that they may get life back. Though a sadist action , I enjoyed.
Jan.5 Sunday
Party District Convention. A huge procession, created festival mood. Never thought it could have a face of death. Comrade Thajudeen died in an auto-tempo coalition . It weakened all party workers of Karunagappally, especially Comrade Sheriff, his elder brother.
Jan.6 Monday
Intensity of death. Sorrow. Painfully blown hearts . Descriptions . Postmortem of the body. Stand at the Medical college as a witness, a mere witness.
Jan .9 Thursday
“ Muttuvilla” means head of a child
“ Muttuvem” means reply
Jan 12 Sunday
Dream of the full belly. A child. An image of the husband. Only dependence for the unending urge to live . My sister, she is waiting .
Jan 13 Monday
Seen the Drama “ Idanazhi” ( Corridor) by TELCO. Based on a story by Tolstoy . Unpleasant presentation, acting. Blush of worn out theme and cultural difference felt. Only relief was the good songs . Beautiful voice .
Jan 14 Tuesday
Rajendran Sir, how cool you are? Though your wife is mad, having uncontrollable character , poor . I appreciate you ,with mind , bows my head .
Jan 15 Wednesday
A few moments with Cheravally, About Mukesh, his drama in life, different stages, about the home, on other characters. Oh! Dark mind, will impurity be removed by tears !
Jan 16 Thursday
High personality, rough nature , mild dialogues , invaluable assembly of words – Vyloppilli
Jan 17 Friday
Nehru Trophy began. Russia beat India 6-0
In city , traffic is became a Gordian knot. In Palayam, the heart of the city, stadium is like a fixed nail, can’t develop. Sugatha kumari, when you said about it, others scorn you .
Jan 18 Saturday
Nehru trophy- China – South Korea - 2-1
“ Thrayi Sanghyam yoga: pasu pathi manam vaishnavamithi
Prabhinnae prasthanae paramidamada: pathyamithicha
Rucheenam vaichithyadriju kutila nanapatha isham
Nrina meko gamyasthwamasi payasa marnava iva “
Like the water from different rivers mix and forms sea water , hae. Parameswara, the ways, may be straight or bend , they choose according to their taste , all people will come to your side for Moksha . ( Siva mahima sthothram)
Jan 19 Sunday
Nehru Trophy – GDR -- Peru -- 1-0
“ ye yadha mam prabadyanthae
Nam sthadhaiva bhajamyaham
Mama varthmanu varthanthae
Manushya: partha : sarvesa:”
Whoever in whichever form may come , I attain them. All are rushing the same path, the path that leads towards me . ( Geetha)
Jan 20 Monday
Nehru trophy—South Korea—India --- 2-0
The broadness of Hinduism
“ Which Vedanthic studies do the new philosophies of physical science echo, its highest spiritual feelings to idol worships that linked to many many folk tales , agnosticism of Buddhists and atheism of Jains have place in Hinduism “ – Swami Vivekanandan ( Chicago speech )
Jan 21 Tuesday
Nehru trophy -- Russia – China – 1-1
Indian philosophy moves in two ways. Theism and Atheism . The six theosophical orders such as Sankhya,vaiseshika, Yoga, Nyaya, Poorvameemamsa and Utharameemamsa have faith in Vedas. Six atheistic philosophies not have faith in Vedas. They are Charvaka, Jaina and Buddhism having Sarvasoonya vadam, Vigyana vadam, Bahyanumeya vadam, Sarvasthithwa vadam .
Dharmam jijnasa mananam pramanam paramam sruthi:
Srythi sthu vedo Vijneyo dharma sasthram thu vai smrithi: ---
Hindus got their religion from scripture. ( Manusmrithi)
Jan 22 Wednesday
Nehru trophy – GDR—India -- 5- 0
Anadi nidhana nithya vaguth srishta swayam bhuva
Aadow vedamayi divya yatha: sarva: pravruthaya :
Vedas don’t have beginning or ending.
Yuganthae antharhithan vedan sethihasan manushya:
Lebhirae thapasa poorva manujatha : swayam bhuva.
Vedas are not books.These are treasures of theist philosophies which were came from the mind of philosophers.
Jan.23 Thurday
Nehru Trophy - Peru- South Korea—2-0
Vak,Apala ,Visavara and Aambhrini are the four women Rishis.
Na roopa masyaeha thadhopa labhythae
Nantho na chabhirna cha samprathishta ( geetha)
Creation and creator are two parallel lines , with out a beginning and no ending, it goes on at a particular distance .
Jan 24 Friday
Nehru Trophy—Russia- germany – 4-1
Jan 25 Saturday
Hocus-pocus – means – trickery
Palm Story
With the fingers closed, bend the hand gently backwards----
If the hand is flexible, then you are an adaptable type, open to new ideas.
If there is very little backward curve, you resist change and prefer the tried and tested.
Texture ( Structure) – Fleshy texture indicates a generous nature , passionate easily giving way to strong feeling like enthusiasm, love etc. and even self indulgent
If the hand is thin and flat , the opposite hold true. You are a bit of cold fish.
If you have small criss cross lines – grill work all over the hand mean you are highly strung(excited) , but they also mean you have a lot of career, social and travel options.
Jan 27 Monday
Life line – begins at the edge of the palm between thumb and forefinger and curves towards the wrist around the mount of venus. This line records disease,accidents and other major events. Clear and long life line chances for a long and healthy life.
If your life line is red and deep it could get you into trouble.
Is the line wide and deep , probably let people push you around.
Islands, breaks and dots are all indications of some emotional or physical trauma.
When the life line is separated from the headline at its base , you may be the type who rushes in where wise men fear to tread(step). But if it is connected to the headline, you are cautious. The longer it connected, the more attached you are to mother apron strings.
Jan 29 Wednesday
You are warm and loving if the lifeline forms a broad arc around the mount of venus. If it move towards the mount of luna, you are always on the look out for something or some one new to amuse you.
A branch leaving the life line and rising towards the forefinger means you are on the way up the ladder at work.
Heart Line --- starts at the side of the hand beneath the little finger. It reveals the strength of your heart and your capacity for love and sex. The ideal heart line is smooth , free of breaks or dots .It ends in small 3 branches to indicate the balance of emotions, common sense and lust . A straight heart line means you indulge in fantasies and romance. A line that curves up mean you are more physical and take the initiative sexually.
Jan -31- Friday
If there is a wide space between heart line and head line, you are broad minded and un conventional. A narrow space indicates a narrow mind and secretive soul. Dots indicate heart diseases.
If head line begins at the same point as the line of life , it reveals brain power and records periods of emotional stress. The ideal head line would be strong and clear , ending in a small fork to show balance between realism and imagination. A long line means you are a bit of an intellectual . The further your head line slops downwards, the more creative you are. But if it drops right down to the edge of your palm, you may nurture special fantasies.
Feb 1 Saturday
The line of Saturn , which is also known as the line of career, destiny, fate or life task, moves upwards just above the wrist towards the little finger. It records the degree of our personnel success and self –fulfillment. A company director with money to burn out but who is frustrated with his career may have a weak and broken line of Saturn, while an office cleaner may have a strong ,clear line.
The line of Apollo is rarely found. It signifies the potential for greatness. Look for a vertical line starting below the ring finger. If you have one, you may achieve honors, success and wealth, especially in the arts.
Feb 3 Monday
Oh!Krishna parunth, Oh!Krishna parunth ( a kind of kite )
Would you come to hear my warbling
The recite of raga , the play of thala
I will give the thamburu to you ( Oh! Krishna ----)
Hearing the tune of the flute
Would you come, dear, would you ,
Would you taste the sweet of laya
Would you embrace a fine sleep ( Oh!krishna---)
Spread the couch and waiting me
On the assembly of ragas
Oh!passionate, unrivalled beauty
Come, come beside and sit with me. (Oh!Krishna --- )
Feb 13 1986
All days, there are pictures of politicians having rotten teeth. Hegdae on idealist label. Karunakaran is enjoying the media reports and hiding behind it. Political stars like film stars . Like the mad guys—running and panting.
Feb 14 1986
There was rain yester day. Atmosphere is cool. Dreams awakened at half sleep. Bewildered mind is under strong security . Sometimes shudders, just a numbness.
Feb 15 1986
Sopana sangeetham-- On devotional base, it expresses fondness, love and romance in Kerala’s originality. It mainly happens in temples during pooja time as kottipadal( vocal and instrument) It is different from Hindustani and Carnatic. Most of the ragas are original Malayalam. Idakka is used with vocal . Morning pooja( Prasanna pooja ) Morning ragas, Udaya raga, Suryodayaprabhatham etc Eg:- Bhoopalam, Balahari
Roopakam—panchari, Thalam- Chempada, Aadi
Ragas—Karunchi, Sruthi Madhyamam, Bhairavi, Ramakriya, Mandari etc
Mid day pooja—Megherabdi, Sarangam, Madhyamavathi, Thodi, Neelambari,Sreeragam etc.
Pantheeradi pooja – Mohanam, Kallyani, Vasantham
After deeparadhana- (Asthamana sandhya) – Kaveri, Kamboji, Thodi
Mid night- Aabheri, Kedaram, Bengalam
Feb 19 Wednesday
Seen a heap in the Kerala University Private registration center that having applications and SSLC books of candidates who were registered for first year Pre Degree. I made me agitated. It is known that the reason behind it is the disinterest of the higher officials.
Feb 20 Thursday
See the luck of the Pomeranian dog. I haven’t yet entered a Maruthi Car or Van. He is traveling in a Maruthi and smiling on me. The owner fondles him. May be his son is not getting such a chance to be in the lap of that father. Sayippintae patti ( The dog of white man ) Sundara ( beautiful) how high is you than an ordinary dog and me.
Feb 23 Sunday
Read K.C.George’s “My life journey”
In a capitalist world we can’t live on Christ’s advice . Arch Bishop New vet Johnson who was popularly known as Red Dean of Canterbury , in his book “ Socialist Dicta” wrote, the real Christianity is present only in Russia. During 2nd world war, a realist said, “ If Jesus now comes to the earth and goes to England, the rulers will ask him to leave the place. If at Germany, they will jail him. In Russia ,they will welcome him.
Russia’s social set up is not based on exploiting a man by another, instead it is of cooperation . It was a social set up that seeks one for all and all for one.
How became a Communist
I understood that the religion is to attain Moksha for the soul only and not contributing for a change in the social sector and would not make anything to curb the injustice. They try to protect a system already present in our society. Then I found out that the remedy is politics.
Once a Christian Philosopher said,” The aim of the people who works on human issues should be a reasonable distribution of the wealth available on Earth. “
“ If our aim is a total , permanent and complete change of a society, small routes will not make any change. Only remedy is a total revolution .
Feb 27 Thursday
“ Imitation is the best form of respect”
Words from “ chanakya sathakam”
“ Can fondle for five years
Can punish foe ten years
When he became sixteen
Consider son as your friend”
Words of Changanpuzha
“ I have been wandering the world
Begging for love
With empty hand
I am standing before you, Oh! Goddess Ambika”
Feb 28 Friday
Fighting strategy of Monkeys
“ Advance, then withdraw, reorganize, again advance”
Short Story
The black path of Ananthapuri shined and melt in the hot. The strong rays of light that is old as many many light years covered the Earth strongly. People are moving with fear and uncertainty in their face. The vehicles moved like centipedes on the road. People stand baked in concrete buildings. Quenched the thirst with lemon juice and then Ananthu started pasting lime on betel leaf while look on that man. An old man. He has an old dirty cloth as loin. Nakedness is not much covered. Two three chapels chained to his legs. These were covered by a plastic piece. Skin of the legs are so stretched. Naked belly has many folds. They were so clear as columns of hunger. Many cloths were tightened over the head. Three bricks were placed over it. Face had many folds. Eyes were like beads of pearl. Face is so serious. It expresses contempt towards the society or present system of governance . He swims against running water. The body which faced the bricks and wood has the shade of the spirit of the past. As a remembrance of old golden days, there is a smile on his lips. Who rules? Who helps to rule? Who is inside? Who is outside? He knows nothing. He is no where near the democratic counts. Country is infinite. Issue is the empty stomach. If the stomach is full, he can sleep. When gets up, again can try for something to eat. Not to identify sorrow or happiness, richness and poverty, not interested in the incomplete greed of the mind, he walked as an unattached, as insignificant.
He never knew the green spread near the walls of multistoried buildings that are waiting to be axed . He is enquiring. He is searching something near the wall. I looked on the old tin that he carries. What is in it? What he enquires?
He does’t bother about the security police or the speedy vehicles. He continued the enquiry. He sat near the wall. Down the bricks and made a triangle with it. He went near the tap with the tin. I had doubt on his actions. Enthusiasm made me to stay back. Smell of hot tar made me restless. The old man came back with water in the tin. He placed it above the triangle, put some papers and leaves below and lit with a match box. Fire established and the face of the old man shined in the light. Smoke emerged as shade of the fire. A police man shown displeasure. The world of old man has the fire and the sun only.
Thin frame of the tin expanded on heating. Temperature slowly moved from tin atoms to water atoms. So enthusiastic, I walked near him . He didn’t mind. I looked inside the can . A few rice pellets are seen boiling. His food is getting ready. I felt hunger . My food at the Brahmin hotel may be ready now.
Have an uneasiness
Old man’s food is a few pellets of rice!
What are we discussing ?
About the good and evil of computer, pain on the hike of water charge, hike of building tax, many Kunjananthans are crowding together and making big noise, feels the roar of the sea.
My stomach shrank and lost hunger.
There is a hot discussion in the corporation council on how to make entry of street beggars in the voter’s list. The ruling and opposition members took the opportunity to throw mud on each other.
The smell of fried chicken came to the council and saliva blocked words of many. They lost interest in the topic. The bell in the clock tower made its sound. Session disposed for lunch to rejoin after food.
As a Njani, the old man smiled. Boiling of rice continued. The hot sun disappeared too fast. Black clouds began to line up like elephants. His hands became fast. He put paper and other waste into fire.
I said with closed hands, “ Oh ! God , don’t rain now” I feel a soul relation with the old man. May be I am that man or he is me. Hands felt wet . The rain started. One,two,three. The drops began to be faster than to count.
The old man is now behind the fog. With the black teeth open, he looked on the sky. He felt the failure of words. Wet sadness fogged the eyes. He took the tin, packed the bricks and against the rain water, he walked with strong foot steps.
I called him loud. The sound merged with the roar of the rain. By stirring the half baked rice in the tin , he walked towards the infinite.
Crazy love Song
“ By coming in my front
Give pleasure to my eyes
My soul is flowing
As I see the brightness of sun
Who is this ! Which is this!
What is this , please say
Books in the left hand
Umbrella in right hand
Coming with happiness
And both hands are at the chest
Should see the darling
Beauty Deenamma
Would it changed by throw of the leg
Or by heat
Or by my thought
Who knows, who knows
Whatever be, its good
The bell rang ten
She hasn’t yet come
Professor has come
How do I look fine
Whatever be, however be
Should make me look
Can hear the dup lup sound
Can see the rhythmic movement
Go Go Aachil and Checha
Go Go Bhargavi and Gomas
Come deenamma, come slowly
Give freshness to my eyes
By your presence
My heart is shining
As I saw the Sun shine
Who is this, which is this
Please say to me
Are you the main root of my feelings
The beautiful garden on the world
Have the nose like thil flower
Lips like thondi fruit
Your smiling teeth beat the early sun
Your eyes are like beautiful ponds
where Yakshi andd Gandharvas meet
Your eye brows are like the meadows
Where young deer’s play
Your forehead is like a small moon
Placed inside the rain clouds
Oh! Dear! You are the one that makes me
Sleepless, and my heart is beating for you.
Monday, July 13, 2009
What was in 1986 and what is now?
India- The Ardhasasthra of poverty
India completes its 36th independence . During this period, India didn’t achieved what it could. The number of poor, illiterate and the patients increased. The rich become more rich. Wealth is centralized. The production of wealth is not much increased. Distribution of products is unequal. Though we launched satellites and became atomic power, we are rated as poor country. It is not because of population and if so China will not have such a tremendous improvement. It is not because people are reluctant to work , unemployment is also on the higher side.
What are the major reasons ?
Government is promoting the outdated social system, the capitalism and trying to implement it. The capitalist forces of India tried to prevent the awakened farmers and valiant laborers from achieving independence , with the support of feudal lords and foreign forces. Hence, land reforms was not materialized and hence , the farming sector was not properly grown and the wealth was centered among a few feudal lords. It never becomes a capital fund and was spent for the happiness of the rich only . On the other side, dependency on technology, foreign investment and market increased.
Year No. of poor( in crores)
1960-61 23.96
1965-66 24.03
1968-69 24.16
1970-71 24.67
1972-73 27.48
1977-78 30.88
1979-80 33.90
Minimum requirement ---------------------- 2356 Kilocalorie
1960-61 (average consumption) ----------- 2015 Kilocalorie
1973.74 ( “ “ ) ----------- 1851 “
It indicates that the food availability was decreased.
Category wise food consumption
Sector Rural(1961-62) 1971-72 Urban(1961-62) 1971-72
Low Income
Group 2038 K.calorie 1568 K.calorie 1433 K.calorie 1301 K.calorie
Middle Income
Group 2523 K.calorie 2376 K.calorie 1993 K.calorie 1867 K.calorie
Higher Income
Group 3639 K.calorie 3658 K.calorie 2480 K.calorie 2653 K.calorie
It indicates the increase of consumption by the rich. The indicator was similar for cloth, shelter , health and education.
Use of Cloth
Year Yearly availability (meters )Cotton Artificial thread
21-22 16.7 --
38-39 16.0 --
55-56 14.4 --
60-61 14.8 1.2
70-71 13.6 2.0
75-76 13.9 2.0
80-81 11.0 3.7
80% of citizens live in rural areas . Out of it, only 11% got drinking water and only 8% had own latrines.
Diseases and Drug availability
Drug Demand Production capacity in tons Production in tons
INH(tuberculosis) 450 539 94
PAS (tuberculosis) 1500 1290 559
DDS(leprosy) 555 56 23
Vaccines Demand(Doze in lakhs ) Production (Doze in lakhs)
DPT 400 145
DT 200 120
T 210 70
Polio 60 20
More than 50% of the TB patients world over are Indians. 180 lakhs. India have capacity to produce enough medicine but makes 30% of total need. We have 40 lakhs leprosy patients , making only 4% of medicine that we need. We are making only 40% of the preventive vaccine that we need. We have 180 lakhs of elephantiasis patients and are making only 11% of the required medicine.
Year Illiterate (crores)
1951 29.8
1961 33.3
1971 38.7
1981 44.6
Is increase of population is the major reason for India’s backwardness? If so , why do China emerges as a developed nation. Why do we on last lap in the under developed countries list?
India – china Comparison
India China
A National Income 1982(dollar in crores) 15076 26.40
Population 1982(in crores) 71.07 100.8
Per capita income 1982( in dollars) 260 310
Income growth rate 1970-82 3.6 5.6
Per capita income growth 1966-82 1.3 5.0
Price rise (%) 1970-82 8.4 Insignificant
B Per capita agri land Hector 0.30 0.13
Agri growth rate 1970-82 1.8 2.8
Per capita food production 1960-82 101 124
Fertilizer kilo/hectare 1981 3.3 15.01
C Industrial growth 1970-82 4.3 8.3
Per capita power consumption (kilo oil) 1981 158 412
Industrial labour among labours(%) 1970-82 13 19
D Literacy(%) 1981 36 70
Primary school entry 1960 61 109
“ 1981 79 118
Highschool entry 1960 20 21
“ 1981 30 44
Per capita food consumption(kilo calorie) 1981 1906 2526
No.of Doctors per 10000 people 1960 2.06 1.19
“ 1982 2.71 5.55
No. of nurses per 10000 people 1960 0.91 0.25
“ 1982 1.85 3.89
Death rate (per 1000) 1960 24 23
“ 1982 13 7
Birth rate per 1000 1960 165 165
“ 1982 94 67
Expected life span(male) 1960 43 41
“ 1982 55 65
Expected life span)female) 1960 42 41
“ 1982 54 69
Poverty and unemployment increased from the date of independence till now( 38 years after independence ). Though there is slight economic growth, that was amassed by the rich. Its reason is nothing but the promotion of capitalism by the Government. In Europe, the feudal set up was totally destroyed, but such a bourgeois revolution not happened in India. Such a move will end only at socialism, hence, the bourgeoisies of India dropped the movement half way. Capitalists aligned with feudal lords and established a Government to serve their interest. A few of them monopolized the industrial sector and are controlling the Government.
Big Industrial Groups and their assets (in Crores)
Family 1951 1963 1972 1982
1 TATA 116 418 642 2431
2 Birla 153 294 589 2005
3 Singhania 37 59 181 620
4 Mafatlal 13 46 184 599
5 Thapar 16 72 136 465
First 5 Industrialists 335 889 1732 8551
6 ACC 22 77 134 738
7 Kirloskar 2 19 87 334
8 Bankur 20 78 125 280
9 ICI - 37 35 378
10 Sarabhai - 43 84 357
11 Reliance - - 50 512
In three decades, the wealth of 5 industrial families multiplied 25 times. Most of the commodities are controlled by these few firms and it depicts the control they have on the market.
Centralisation of Industries
No. of commodities Commodities controlled by 4 major firms
100% control 75% Control
Motor vehicles and related industries 102 96(94%) 101(99%)
Drugs 97 90(93) 96(9)
Pesticides,plastics,chemicals 114 105(92) 113(99)
Alkali and related industries 20 18(900 18(90)
Acid, fertilizers etc 132 110(88) 130(98)
Wood,Cellulose 17 14(82) 15(88)
Tools 65 54(82) 63(98)
Light mechanical engineering 93 74(80) 89(96)
Instruments 19 15(79) 19(100)
Industrial machines 71 54(76) 70(99)
Above mentioned products ,rubber,oil,paint,leather,paper etc included 1170 910(78) 1118(96)
The projected calculation of certain quarters that the public sectors should emerge as competitive sector and we would have a mixed economy that combines capitalism and socialism is a humbug. In 1981, Government share on national income was only 14%, while that of America was 23 and that of Britain was 30%. It itself shows India’s non commitment to PSCs. After independence, we failed to throw away the yoke of British capitalism and now in addition, we opened the door for capitalists of other countries. Green revolution is also having an agenda to tie up both capitalists and the feudal lords . Based on 1971 estimate , more than 2 crores of families don’t have even a single cent of land . Total land mass of 60% of population would come to below 9%. 53% 0f land is with 10% of the population, they are the affluent. Interestingly, this is after the abolition of semindari , rayath vari etc. If the land reforms were implemented ,we should get 630 lakh acres of surplus land to be distributed among the landless. If so 400 lakhs of families would get 1.5 acre land each and that would have lead a big leap to our agriculture production. Industrial production and its market would also developed simultaneously. But Government never took such an initiative and they supported the rural affluent communities only.
Land distribution 1971-72
Property in one’s possession
Acre No.of families
In lakhs Total land in lakh acre Percentage of families Percentage of land in possession
0.00 219 0 27.4 0.0
0.01-0.99 119 62 14.9 1.7
1.00-2.49 144 277 18.0 7.6
2.5-4.99 132 544 16.4 14.9
5.00-7.49 69 487 8.7 13.3
7.50-9.99 34 340 4.3 9.3
10.00-14.99 38 520 4.7 14.2
15.00 and above 45 1427 5.6 39.0
Total 800 3657 100.0 100.0
Indian rulers have not shown any lean towards the poor or to eradicate poverty. They can’t take money from the rich to improve the condition of the poor. Instead they are collecting indirect tax from the poor and utilizing it for functioning of the government. It is very difficult to come out from such a nexus. Unless we complete the bourgeois revolution and free the agricultural sector and make rapid increase in the farm sector , we can’t escape from this bad situation. Only left movement can do this.
Now, we are in a new era where the socialist countries shed that concept and fast moving towards a democratic , aggressive , semi capitalistic system . we understood that there was no true communist or socialist system sustained any where in the world and still we hope it may happen some where some day. If that dream not remain , how could we to think of a better world, that supports the poor and the down trodden .
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw, the greatest of the many Irishmen, who have written fine plays in the English language , was born in Dublin on 26 July 1856. His father,George Carr Shaw , the youngest son in the family of 13 children, became a minor official in the Dublin law courts, but after a few years , he retired on a small pension and went into business unsuccessfully as a corn merchant. He married the daughter of an Irish land owner who soon found that the husband was a drunkard and incapable of earning enough money to provide for her and the three children who were born to them, George Bernard Shaw and his two sisters.
Mrs.Shaw had a remarkably good singing voice ,and from her and her friends young Bernard learned much good operatic music, and this was to be very useful to him afterwards. When he was sixteen, his mother and sisters left Dublin and went to live permanently in London, where Mrs.Shaw supported herself and her daughters by giving music lessons and singing at concerts.
In the mean time, Bernard Shaw had been to school in Dublin until he was fifteen. He then became a clerk and cashier in a land agent's office there until April 1876, when he followed his mother to London. When he understood that his father was unqualified to be the controlling head of the family, and that his mother was more devoted to music than to her children, he developed that extra ordinary independence of mind and spirit which was to enable him, as a man , to look upon mankind and its affairs without being swayed either by customs or by other people's conventional ideas of right and wrong.
Though he received little mother love from Mrs.Shaw, the love of music that he gained from her soon proved itself useful in London, where one his first regular positions when he took up journalism was as music critic on the star, a London evening newspaper. Both as a critic of music and a few year later as a critic of plays for the Saturday review, a weekly periodical, he wrote essays of very high quality which are still read and praised, more than fifty years after they were first printed.
When Shaw began to write plays, the musical rhythm that he kept in his inner ear helped him to pen beautiful words.
After settling in London, he depended on his mother to live for another ten years. During that period, he involved in politics and the speech by American economist Henry George, author of Progress and Poverty, converted him to socialism. He joined Fabian Society which wanted to bring about a gradual evolutionary charge , than fast revolutionary change.
In his early years as a socialist , he believed that the society would improve only by making legislation aiming at equality. When he grew older , he trusted less in the power of Acts of Parliament to increase human welfare and happiness. He said, "Good people makes good laws, but good laws passed by a few do not necessarily make a good society"
He was a non-believer of religion, but lived an aesthetic life with all good qualities. He became a vegetarian and said, " Animals are our fellow creatures". He tried to write novels and plays and completed the first play "Widower's House" after seven years of its first writing. It highlighted a social issue of owners and tenants of colonies.
He highlighted social evils in his plays like "Mrs.Warren's profession","Arms and the Man", "The Devil's disciples" and " Captain Brass bound's Conversion". He was not accepted by many, but a few accepted him as leader in new ways of thought and a champion of intellectual freedom.
Bernard Shaw was the first British dramatist to write plays discussing public affairs which touched the live of very large numbers of people as just what Henrik Ibsen done.
In "Man and superman", he presented the conflict between aristocrats and the modern technology accepting man. From 1905, when man and superman was performed, Shaw was the world's most famous living playwright though he long remained unpopular with those who disliked his advanced views and his wish to reform society. He stood second only to Shakespeare among all the British playwrights and his writings were known and valued in all countries, long before he received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925.
He wrote fifty plays and many writings on politics. Shaw died in 1950 in his 95th year, having produced his last important play "The Apple Cart" in 1929. Shaw held that of we desire with passionate strength of will to be better and finer people and to live longer, in fact to be changed into superman, and if that strength of will is passed on to our descendants, what we desire will ultimately be brought about. The nations would then be ruled in wisdom and virtue, and war and all other evil would vanish from the earth.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thenmala is on the eastern side of Thiruvananthapuram having a beautiful dam and a planned eco-tourism destination . Dam facilitates a one hour picturesque boating from 2 kilometers inside the forest in the kallada reservoir of the shenduruny wildlife sanctuary. It is interesting to note that the people are taken to the boat landing in battery powered road vehicle. Boating starts at 9.30 am on one our interval till 3.30pm on all days . Boating charges for adult is Rs.50/- and child rs.30/- There is an additional pay of Rs.10/- for adults and Rs.5/- for children as sanctuary entrance. There is a leisure zone to enjoy walking. It has pathways, boardwalks, sway bridge, sculpture garden , resting points, dynamic and static tree and sculpture lightings. Lighting will be on public holidays from 6.30 pm to 8.00pm . Zone is open from 11.00am to 6.30pm on regular days and upto 8.00pm on holidays. Entry fee for adults is Rs.30/- and child Rs.20/-.
The deer rehabilitation center has spotted and sambar deers aplenty. It’s a nature park for children with tree top huts ,unjals etc. It is on all days from 8.00am to 6.00pm. Entry fee is Rs.5/- for adult and Rs.3/- for child.
The culture zone of Thenmala has a facilitation center which gives information and entry tickets for all zones. It has an amphitheatre , shop courts and Nakshathravanam . The restaurant by KTDC caters to all classes of tourists. Musical dancing fountain is another attraction , that works on half our duration., on working days upto 7.00pm and on holidays the last show at 8.05pm. No show on Monday . Entry fee for adults Rs.25/- and for child Rs.15/-
The adventure zone has nature trail , elevated walkway, lotus pond, resting points, open on all days for 9.00am to 5.30pm. Charge for adult is Rs. 20/- and for child Rs.10/- . Mountain Biking charges-Rs. 20/- per hour. Recreational rock – climbing and rapelling –Rs.100/- and river crossing – Rs.30/-.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Arms and the Man
George Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man" is a social satire which depicts war and human mind in a sarcastic way. War is an unessential game of men. Love and marriage do also take such a twist when there is internal conflicts of choice. Most of the wars were fought for nothing and love affairs also germinate from simple reasons that could not be explained. Love never takes a straight line, it always twists and coils and difficult to solve its issues.
Certain interesting comments in the play are as follows.
1. Don't ask me for promises until I know what I am promising.
2. Nine soldiers out of ten are born fools.
3. Men never seem to grow up, they all have school boy's ideas.
4. Our romance is shattered, life's a farce.
The world is not such an innocent place as we used to think.
4. Good people will make good laws , but good laws passed by a few do not necessarily make a good society.
Arms and the Man, the earliest of Shaw's pleasant plays ,is both amusing and thought provoking. It makes us laughing and it makes us think, for it has a serious message or messages. The environment of the play is 1885 Bulgaria. The major characters are Bulgarian soldiers, their womenfolk and a Swiss hotel keeper's son turned soldier. The play has two themes, one is war and the other is marriage. These themes are interwoven and wrapped in romantic illusions which led to disastrous wars and also to unhappy marriages. According to Shaw, war is evil and stupid, and marriage desirable and good. Raina Petkoff, one of the leading characters of the play ,at the time the play opens, intends to become the wife of Major Serius Saranoff, who is then away fighting the Serbs. News has come to Raina and her mother that Sergius has ridden bravely at the head of a victorious cavalry charge,and Raina rejoices because she can now believe that her betrothed is just as splendid and noble as he looks! that the world is really a glorious world for women who can see its glory and men who can act its romance. In the opening scene of the play, after adoring Sergius's portrait,Raina goes to bed murmuring , " My hero!My hero!". This is a romantic girl's romantic view of life, but then reality suddenly breaks in upon her. An enemy officer, in headlong retreat with the defeated Serbs, rushes into her room from outside balcony to take refuge. He is desperate through exhaustion and fear ,and Raina sneers at him. Nevertheless, when the pursuers come to search the house, Raina hides the fugitive and denies having seen him. She learns, after the pursuit is over,that he is aSwiss fighting for the Serbs as a professional soldier, and she is again contemptuous when he tells her that instead of ammunition he carries chocolate in his cartridge cases, having found that food is more useful in battle than bullets.
At Raina's request that he should describe the great Bulgarian cavalry charge the man tells her that its leader ,Sergius, rode like an operatictenor.... with flashing eyes and lovely moustache... thinking he had done the cleverest thing ever known, whereas he ought to be court -martialled for it. Of all the fools ever let loose on a field of battle, that man must be the very maddest. He and his regiment simply commited suicide... - or they would have committed suicide, the man goes on to say , only the Serbs had no ammunition left and therefore could not repel the charge. The scene ends with the man falling asleep through uncontrollable weariness,and Raina finds herself moved to pity by the suffering he has endured. She had imagined war as an exciting sort; she has now seen it as a dreadful reality through contact with one of the defeated. In the later scenes of the play, the other aspect of the plot comes uppermost. The war has ended and the soldiers are home again. Serius too has learned something of the realities of war and is so disgusted by them that he has sent his resignation saying"Solidiering.... is the coward's art of attacking mercilessly When you are strong, and keeping out of harm's way when you are weak. Yet Raina continues to treat him as a hero of romance until Captain Bluntschli comes to visit Petkoffs house and is discovered to be the man who took refuge in Raina's room during the retreat. In an amusing scene of the kind that is especially typical of Shaw, Blutschili shows Raina her real character beneath the romantic mask that she has worn since childhood. Notonly has she substituted an imaginary Sergius for the real one , but she had also built up an imaginary self. Bluntschili is not decieved. He says to her," When you strikes that noble attittude,and speak in that thrilling voice, I admire you, but I find it impossible to believe a word you say". After pretend to be indignant, Raina surrenders and asks, " How did you find me out? How strange it is to be talked to in such a way! You know, I have always gone on like that ... I mean the noble attittude and thrilling voice.. I did it when I was a child to my nurse.. She believed in it. I do it before my parents. They believe in it. I do it before Sergius. He believes in it ." But her Swiss visitor does not believe in it.
Blutschili is not deceived ,either by Sergius, not is Sergius blind to his own true nature. When he finds himself flirting with the servant maid, Louka ,immediately after an adoring love scene with Raina,he analyses himself frankly, I am surprised my self , Louka. What would Sergius, the hero of Slivinitza, say if he saw me now? What would Sergius ,the opostle of the higher love,say if he saw me now? What would the half-dozen Sergius who keep popping in and out of this handsome figure of mine say if they caught us here?
When Raina succumbs at last to the man she calls her chocolate cream soldier, Blutshili has cured her of the second of the two deceptions which ruled her life when the play began. She no longer thinks war as a romantic game, nor does she any longer think of marriage as the mating of a beautiful heroine and a handsome hero in a life long romantic dream. Instead of the ornamental and fickle sergius , she takes as her husband the plain Bluntshili, whose common sense and six hotels in Switzerland will give her stability and comfort.
The realities of love and marriage became one of the most frequent themes in Shaw's plays.
The rest of the play is mostly light hearted fun, though amid the fun there are several shrewd hits at two sorts of snobbery: the snobbery of the man servant Nicola who regard his employers with cynical servility, despising them, yet humbling himself before them because that is what they like , and that is how you will make most out of them. : and the snobbery of the Petkoffs who think themselves better then their neighbours because they have a library and an electric bell. As an upholder of social equality, Shaw was opposed to any idea that servants are an inferior class.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Ernest Hemingway's " The Old man and the sea " received Nobel Prize in the year 1954. Its story was set in the Gulf stream of the coast of Havana. It tells the story of an old man , a young boy and a giant fish. The craft is excellent for a one time reading; in which he depicts the real nature , love,passion and intimacy of a fisherman to his friends, ocean, the fishes and also to his work. Though he is aged , his will power is so strong that he never accepts defeat. Hemingway was very fond of fishing and hence he beautifully explains minute aspects of a catch. I read it some years back, then it thrilled me. Now, the second reading not satisfies.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Kuthiramuttai is a Tamil drama made by Shanmuga Raja , a diploma holder in Theater Arts from National School of Drama. Kuthiramuttai is full of black humour . Paramarthaguru is a representative leader who thinks and act foolishness .He seeks disciples whom suit his wisdom and character. He gets five disciples and the acts of them makes the viewers happy. The music used is so traditional and the ambience created is common places. The selection of actors was excellant and they excelled in their roles.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The story of Mac Beth is retold in Malayalam by Abhinaya ,a theater group of Thiruvananthapuram on 2nd March,2009 as part of National Theater Festival organized by Department of Information and Public Relations ,Kerala.. Mr.Jyotyhish, the director of the play used the visual media, rhythm of dances and mirrors to express the feelings, fear and horror of the original story. The presentation was excellent except in some areas ,where the music overtook the dialogues of the characters. The video presentation has distracted the eyes from the characters and their emotions and I felt combining of life and seems life not match for presentation of a drama. Of course these are experiments and a few of these techniques or additions survive. Ultimately, drama is a totality of emotions, dialogues and movements of the characters.
Reghuthaman as Mac Beth and Anil as Lady Mac Beth done their job in an excellent way. Dr.V.Venu has done the role of Duncan the king. Though, a small role, he has made it remembering. The chorus and other characters also done their job perfectly. No doubt it’s worth seeing.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bhoothathan Kettu
Bhothathan kettu is a dam 30 kilometers away from Moovattupuzha and 10 kilometers from Kothamangalam. When we travel over the dam, we saw the flooded dam on the right side. Only two shutters were opened. One fellow said," Now we have water only in this dam. If we open this, then there will be no water to cater kerala. " On the opposite side we saw rocks and flowing water in between. " Whatelse is here to see",I asked the shop owner.
"Bhoothathan Kettu, you can go through that narrow lane",he said.
There we saw the forest office and a board saying Edamalayar forest division.
A grey haired black person came there and said," Sir,I am Thankappan, a tourist guide. Here we are two and we can explain you about this place. ". I looked on that energetic person and decided to take him with us. " The forest has elephants, Leoperd and King Cobra. There is a rock cave also. It has many bats and porcupines. We can't go there without torch light. Bats may beat us on our face and may injure. "
"Do you have torch?"
Yes sir, we have all paraphernalias."
" OK, then how much have we to pay?", I asked.
"After return, what ever you like to", he said
" Ok, can we take bath?"
Yes, of course"
"Oh! forgot to take towel?", brother Sajeev said
" I can give one sir," driver Radhakrishnan said
" Two more we can buy from this shop", Thankappan said
We purchased towels and started our trip.
" The total area of this forest is 1500 acres . see these trees, this is Nakkaril, the next is Karimaruthu, that is Incha", he began to explain. This one is very special, it is called Chela tree. Crow and other birds eat its fruit and through its fecus , the seeds will come out and stick to big trees. Then began the extension of big roots to the earth and round the trunk of the tree. It is just like wearing of saree or rounding off of python around its prey. Gradually it will kill the main tree and grow as a separate plant. We really shocked to see and hear about it. Really shocked !
We saw vellilavu, Chempoo and Chadachi. Elephants have fancy on the skin of Chadachi. We saw the palm prints of elephants. Kattamaram of fishermen are made from this wood, Cheeni maram. See, it is Mullan Valli, it's kattumunthiri and those are malamuriga. Last one is Arangili. If one sleeps on the skin of it, back pain will go ", he said. Karimkurinji is also good for back pain.
We walked and reach near a small canal. Earlier one hanging bridge was here. Man, elephant and calamities spoiled it. Now, Government plans it re-establish the same.
See this manimaruthui, when it flowers , look is very beautiful and its color is violet.
It is kattuthippali, good for tooth ache.
" Friends, don't touch this tree.It is Cheru. If we touch you will respond with high itching and be in big problem. Then the person should request Cheru and then Thanni for pardon. There are other trees also like Irumullu, Mayilellu, kariveedu and Ungu.This is Neerpezhu, its skin will kill fishes, if we put it in the pond or river , but we can eat them .
We went to the rock cave, big rocks and finally had an excellant bath. With good moments nin mind and pictures ,we returned after giving Rs.150/- to Thankappan.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tasty Fish Currries
Kannur is one of the popular districts of Kerala . It is part of North Kerala and one of the beautiful places of Kerala. When one visit Kannur, he can’t miss the tasty lunch with variety of fish items at the small hotel, Odhens at the small lane Oden’s road which is linked to Netaji Road which starts near Malabar Gold. The white rice with sambar, fish curry, sardine fry,Mackeral fry, Kanava fry, Neymeen fry etc with rice soup will definitely attract one to the hotel repeatedly. The cost is also reasonable having Rs.25/- for Neymeen, Mackeral, 12 for sardine and 20 for Kanava is no match to other hotels. Though there is heavy rush, we will silently wait to get a seat so that to enjoy the fish varieties that is so rare in other districts.
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Firaaq, the debut film of Nandita Das as director tells us about a black day of Gujarat after a communal riot. Firaaq, the Urdu word means both separation and quest. The film gives the same to us to take back. The story rounds around four families and a secular musician. A middle class house wife belongs to Hindu religion became sad since she couldn’t open the door to help a lady belongs to Muslim and was killed. Her husband is not bothered on these issues and wish to enjoy his life differently. One Muslim family returned their house to see the carnage and he wishes to revenge, got company of three more . They tried to get pistols and at last obtained one with a pistol and lost the same as a retarded friend casually fired it. Later they will be in trouble.
Meanwhile , his wife got support of her Hindu friend to get good job. The musician was upset on the changing attitude of men and look very unpleasant.
The beginning scene is shocking . Film takes a lean towards atrocities towards minority people . The style of story telling is good and as a debut , it is good.
Direction- Nandita Das, Producer- Perfect Picture Company, Screen Play- Suchi Kothari, Nandita Das, Cinematography- Ravi.K.Chandran, Editing- Sreekar Prasad, Sound- Manas Choudhary
Cast—Naseerudhen Shah, Raghubir Yadav, Paresh Raval, Deepti Naval, Sanjay Suri, Tisca Chopra, Shahana Goswami, Nowaz, Mohd. Samad